Tenth Plenary UN-GGIM: Europe - November 2023

The Tenth Plenary Meeting of the European Region of the United Nations Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management (UN-GGIM: Europe) took place the 22 - 23 November 2023 in Brussels, Belgium.


Plenary meeting draft agenda (21 November 2023)


Session 1: Opening of the Tenth Plenary of UN-GGIM: Europe

Chair: Tomaz Petek, Chair Executive Committee UN-GGIM: Europe

Session 2: Applying the UN-GGIM agenda to Europe

Chair: Frank Tierolff, Executive Committee UN-GGIM: Europe

Session 3: Inter-regional cooperation

Chair: Francisco Vala, Vice-Chair Executive Committee UN-GGIM: Europe

Session 4: Enhancing the SDGs with authoritative and integrated geospatial data

Chair: Darko Vucetic, Executive Committee UN-GGIM: Europe

Session 6: Digital transformation through geospatial: European perspective

Chair: David Henderson, Vice-Chair Executive Committee UN-GGIM: Europe

Session 7:  Leaving no one behind

Chair: Ingrid Vanden Berghe, Co-Chair UN-GGIM

Session 8: Working in collaboration

Chair: Janusz Dygaszewicz, Executive Committee UN-GGIM: Europe

UN-GGIM Thematic Networks (Europe Region)