Seventh Plenary UN-GGIM: Europe - June 2020

The Seventh Plenary Meeting of the European Region of the United Nations Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management (UN-GGIM: Europe) was held on the 22 – 23 June 2020 as a virtual event. The Plenary Meeting overlapped with the 2020 Plenary Session of the Conference of European Statisticians, with a common session organised between the UN-GGIM: Europe and the Conference of European Statisticians.

The Seventh Plenary Meeting of UN-GGIM: Europe brought bring together over 100 senior executives and experts from the region’s national geospatial information and statistical authorities of 34 Member States and 11 international organisations.


Morning Session – Chair – Tomaž Petek, Chair of the Executive Committee UN-GGIM: Europe
Opening of the Seventh Plenary of UN-GGIM: Europe
2 UN-GGIM: Europe – Year in Review Tomaž Petek, UN-GGIM: Europe
3 Report from UNECE Steven Vale Statistical Division, UNECE
4 Updated from Eurostat Ruxandra Roman Enescu, Eurostat
Meeting global challenges
6 Copernicus the EU Earth Observation Programme Mauro Facchini

DG DEFIS Defence Industry and Space Earth Observation Unit

7 Disaster risk management as a global challenge for geographic data

Background material

Tom de Groeve, Disaster Risk Management Unit, European Commission Joint Research Centre
8 Using official data in response to the COVID-19 crisis – some case studies:


Colin Bray, Ireland

Francisco Vala, Portugal

David Henderson, United Kingdom

Afternoon Session Chair:  David Henderson, Vice-Chair of the Executive Committee UN-GGIM: Europe
Update from UN-GGIM
11 Update from UN-GGIM Greg Scott, UN-GGIM, UNSD
Formal Business
13 Reports from Regional Working Groups:

Presentation of UN-GGIM: Europe Work plan

Clement Godin, France

Pier-Giorgio Zaccheddu, Germany

Tomaž Petek, UN-GGIM: Europe

17 Plenary wrap-up (coming soon) Carol Agius, UN-GGIM: Europe Secretariat

A common session between the UN-GGIM: Europe and the Conference of European Statisticians was held on the Tuesday the 23 June 2020 presentations and related material can be found here.