6th Joint UN-GGIM: Europe – ESS – UNECE Meeting, March 2020

1 Overview of Eurostat GI activities Nikolaos Roubanis, GISCO Working Group, Eurostat
2 UN-GGIM: Europe Report Carol Agius, UN-GGIM: Europe Secretariat
3 Report from the European Forum for Geography and Statistics Janusz Dygaszewicz, European Forum for Geography & Statistics
4 EuroGeographics: Update on the latest activities Mick Cory, EuroGeographics
5 Report from the UN-GGIM: Europe Working Group on core data Clément Godin, France
6 Report from the UN-GGIM: Europe Working Group on data integration Pier-Giorgio Zaccheddu, Germany
7 Eurostat plans on geospatial data and statistics Nikolaos Roubanis, GISCO Working Group, Eurostat
8 UNECE: Update on UNECE activities Steven Vale, Statistical Division, UNECE