Ninth Plenary UN-GGIM: Europe June 2022
The ninth plenary meeting of UN-GGIM: Europe was held at United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland on the 20 – 21 June 2022 overlapping with the 70th Session of the Conference of European Statisticians (CES).
Opening of the Sixth Plenary of UN-GGIM: Europe |
UN-GGIM: Europe – Year in Review, Tomaž Petek, Chair UN-GGIM: Europe | |
Report from UNECE, Steven Vale, UNECE |
Leaving no one behind, bridging the digital divide |
Session Chair: Frank Tierolff, Executive Committee UN-GGIM: Europe | |
Implementing the IGIF, Jamie Clark, HLG-IGIF | |
Presentation from WHO, Stephen Mac Feely, WHO | |
Member engagement and capacity development, Steven Ramage, GEO |
Implementing the UN-GGIM: Europe work plan |
Session Chair: Janusz Dygaszewicz, Executive Committee UN-GGIM: Europe |
Report on Data Integration deliverables, Pier-Giorgio Zaccheddu, Germany |
The UN-GGIM: Europe work plan, an overview, Francisco Vala, vice-Chair UN-GGIM: Europe |
Lines of work: Data integration/ SDGs, Pier-Giorgio Zaccheddu, Germany |
Line of work: IGIF, James Norris, United Kingdom and Northern Ireland |
Line of work: Data & Policy, Ewa Surma, Poland |
Line of work: Europe GRF, James Norris, United Kingdom and Northern Ireland |
Plenary Wrap up, coming soon
List of participants, coming soon
Common Day with the Conference of European Statisticians (CES)
Material from the joint sessions with the CES can be found here
Upcoming Event 12/05/2025