Ninth Plenary Meeting UN-GGIM: Europe
After two years of virtual meetings, the Ninth Plenary Meeting of the European Region of the United Nations Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management (UN-GGIM: Europe) is an opportunity to have an in-person meeting and network with senior executives from national geospatial information and statistical authorities within Member States and international geospatial experts from across the region.
The ninth plenary meeting of UN-GGIM: Europe will be held in Geneva at the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) overlapping with the 70th Session of the Conference of European Statisticians (CES). The meeting will be held at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland starting at 9:00 on the 20 June 2022 and end at 17:00 the following day, (times are CEST).
The ninth plenary meeting will be split into two day-long sessions. The first day will be dedicated to the plenary sessions of UN-GGIM: Europe and will cover items from the UN-GGIM programme and formal business of the Regional Committee. The second day will be a joint session between the UN-GGIM: Europe and the Conference of European Statisticians and will feature topics of common interest to statistical and geospatial communities.
A draft agenda for the Virtual Plenary Meeting of UN-GGIM: Europe is available here. last update 16/06/2022
Papers for UN-GGIM: Europe Plenary
- Status report from Working Group on Core Data
- Status report from Working Group on Data Integration
- UN-GGIM: Europe work Plan 2022
- Report from UN-GGIM: Europe Secretariat
Papers for Common Day
- Can be accessed on the CES page here
Important notice before you register: Since the Ninth Plenary Meeting of UN-GGIM: Europe is being hosted by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe at the Palais des Nations, registration for the event is through UNECE. In order to register you first need to create a login account on the UNECE platform; this is a one-time action, if you already have an login account you can proceed to the registration otherwise follow the instructions on the login page to create your login.
The Ninth Plenary is split into two days, you need to register for each day separately using the following links (you will be redirected to the UNECE login pages):
Registration is now closed.
- Registration for the UN-GGIM: Europe Plenary Day on 20 June 2022
- Registration for the Common Day with the Conference of European Statisticians on 21 June 2022
Please register your interest in participating in both events, you will receive confirmation once your registration has been verified. Practical information about attending a meeting at UNECE can be found here. Note that there is no conference hotel, please make your own accommodation booking.
Contributing to the discussion for the common day:
The session on “Future work and future workplace (post-COVID working modalities in statistical and geospatial agencies)” on the joint day will provide an opportunity to the Heads of statistical offices and geospatial agencies to discuss the strategic issues related to new working arrangements after the COVID-19 pandemic.
The session will be forward-looking discussing challenges in managing staff and their expectations, and exploring new possibilities in terms working practices. It will consider:
- how to balance competing needs of flexibility, culture retention, and efficiency;
- exploring the lasting effects of hybrid working modalities on the work of different offices; and
- how to become organizations that are virtual by design.
Please provide your input to the discussion on ‘Future work and future workplace (post-Covid working modalities)’ by:
– Submitting a paper
Should you wish to you can submit a paper on the topic which will be included in the summary presented on the day and published on the web. Papers should be maximum 6 pages long, in Word format. All contributions should be submitted in English. Deadline for submissions is the 31 May.
– Responding to a questionnaire
To prepare for the session and advance the work under the High-Level Group for the Modernisation of Official Statistics, please respond to this online questionnaire, which seeks to capture a snapshot of where our various organisations stand in the journey to the future organisation of work as we emerge from the pandemic.
We would be grateful if you can complete the online questionnaire by 27 May.