UN-GGIM: Europe announces new Executive Committee
UN-GGIM: Europe has announced a new Executive Committee following its 4th Plenary which was held in Brussels, Belgium and supported by the European Commission.
The Committee, which is responsible for delivering UN-GGIM: Europe’s objectives, comprises nine members, each of whom serve a three-year term.
Delegates from 24 UN Member States approved the re-nomination of Bengt Kjellson, (Sweden) as Chair and Antonio Arozarena (Spain) and Dorine Burmanje (The Netherlands) as Vice Chairs, as well as Ezio Bussoletti (Italy), Hansjörg Kutterer (Germany) and Tomaz Petek (Slovenia) who remain Executive Committee members.
All were originally appointed at the 2014 inaugural Plenary Meeting in the Republic of Moldova and are now joined by Colin Bray (Ireland) and Francisco Vala (Portugal).
Mr Bray, who is Chief Executive and Chief Survey Officer of Ordnance Survey Ireland, is a chartered geomatics surveyor, President of the Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland (SCSI), and has responsibility for the development of Ireland’s national geospatial strategy.
Mr Vala is Director for the Coordination of Territorial Statistics at Statistics Portugal and is currently leading UN-GGIM: Europe’s Working Group on Data Integration’s subgroup examining the territorial dimension in SDG indicators. He is also part of the Bureau of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Working Group on Territorial Indicators.
Janusz Dygaszewicz from Poland, who was appointed to the Executive Committee at the 2016 Plenary Meeting in Budapest, Hungary, has two more years of his term left to run.