Call for abstract on integration of geospatial and statistical standards

Experts from national mapping, cadastral, statistical or environmental agencies are invited to submit abstracts for a workshop on integrating geospatial and statistical standards.

The event, in Stockholm, Sweden from 6-8 November 2017, is jointly organised by UNECE and UN-GGIM: Europe. It will discuss how geospatial data sources, methods, and standards can be integrated into the production of official statistics, and to identify a plan for future collaboration to support integration and interoperability of statistical and geospatial standards.

This workshop is part of the Conference of European Statisticians’ work programme for 2017 within the context of the High Level Group for the Modernisation of Official Statistics. It is being hosted by Statistics Sweden.

Abstracts must be submitted by 28 April and you can register your interest to receive further information at