An invitation to review outputs of UN-GGIM: Europe Working Group on Core Data
The UN-GGIM: Europe Working Group on Core Data has published the first draft of the deliverables Core Data Spatial theme ‘Land Cover’ – Recommendation for content and Core Data Spatial theme ‘Land Use’ – Recommendation for content.
These documents are now open for review by the geographical and statistical community, deadline for comments 31st July 2022.
The Working Group on Core Data invites UN-GGIM: Europe members to contribute to this review. We welcome UN-GGIM: Europe members feedback especially on the following issues:
- is there anything in the draft that is not clear?
- is there anything in the draft that in the view of UN-GGIM: Europe members is not relevant?
- are there any topics missing in the draft?
Members wishing to review these deliverables, can do so using the appropriate comments template, emailing this to dominique.laurent(at) before the deadline.
The draft deliverables and the comment templates are available on the UN-GGIM: Europe website here, tab “Core spatial data themes – Recommendations for content”
All comments will get an answer. The comments and the answers will be anonymised and published on the UN-GGIM: Europe’s website.