PL1 Using geospatial data to build statistical indicators describing the state of spatial management – buildings and roads (Poland)

Source: Final technical implementation report on the activities carried out under action entitled
“Merging statistical data and geospatial information in Member states”
It is possible to meet the information needs related to the planning work in Local Government units (LGU) by obtaining statistical data from geographic databases maintained by public administration units. The data shows internal differentiation of the gmina (municipality) which is very important both as a common knowledge base and as a starting point in the process of preparing planning documents.
The needs to provide data on aggregation levels lower than LAU 2 are increasing. Such needs were identified by the representatives of LGUs during work within the Task force for the statistical information system for the purpose of regional policy. There are legal and organisational problems of spatial planning and monitoring of local planning, as well as lack of spatial order and mismanagement of resources. This shows the necessity to develop methods for measuring the scale and directions of changes in land management.
As a result there are problems with unrestrained suburbanisation manifested by chaotic changes in the management of rural areas. Effects of this can be seen not only in the physical space, but also in the social sphere.
By wider use of GIS tools to obtain quantitative data it is possible to show the current problems in land management and support better informed decisions. This might lead to a more sustainable urbanisation process.
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UN Sustainable Development Goal 11 “Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable”